Some Side Effects of Prostate Radiation that Oncologists Kind of Tell you About

To enlighten my fellow prostate patients about how this all works I will start at the beginning. Not the very beginning, but the beginning when cancer was discovered. I had been under “active surveillance” for years. As Google, tells it, “Active surveillance is a management option for localized prostate cancer that can be offered to appropriate patients who would also be candidates for aggressive local therapies, with the intent to intervene if the disease progresses,” which is about as accurate a definition as there can be. While some urologists might have said, “Remove it immediately!” “Rip it out!” “Surgery immediately!” I’s urologist said, “Let’s wait and see.” Risky? Possibly, but I was in no rush to get a prostatectomy and the subsequent nastiness of those side effects were well known. What happened next will follow in another blog post. Thanks for hanging in there.


More Some Side Effects of Prostate Radiation that Oncologists Kind of Tell you About…

